Monday, July 27, 2015

We have started the whole packing portion of the event. Media is packed and we are trying to figure out what clothes are going. Packing for 2 1/2 months is not as easy as one might imagine. We have to have everything we might want in our Kia Rio. We have to have the Gluten Free items that we need. The GF cookware to avoid cross-contamination. We need CPAPs, computers, meds, everything. Are we going to forget something? Yes. Are we going to be okay anyway? Absolutely. There is a plan to help us live better and healthier, and if you think about it, it is easy to see how. We cannot eat all the time so we have to eat smart in order to ensure we don't waste a lot of money. We want to get out into nature, see the areas we are traveling to and not just the rooms we are renting. We want to get to know new people and hear new stories. It is going to be great, if our bodies hold out throughout the trip. Our health problems are many and varied but we honestly have no intention of letting them win. Sure we have to be smart and take our limitations into consideration but they don't get control, we do. Any way, back to the salt mines.

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