Monday, July 13, 2015

So in order to get ready for this Walkabout, Cindy and I have consolidated our stuff and recently held a yard sale. It did well and we got rid of a lot of stuff. We made some money for ourselves and then gave a lot of stuff to the Pagan Yard Sale to help our community. That was nice. Thing is, I hate having Yard Sales. When Cindy's mother died we cleared out her house and during the process we held two three day yard sales where we sold a lot of stuff. This yard sale will count as the seventh day of selling her stuff as there was a good amount of stuff that was hers. That whole process of two huge yard sales, combined with grief and mourning really hit us hard. The biggest reason I am know so anti-yard sale is due to that time. The recent yard sale brought a lot of that back, especially as somehow we scheduled it on the anniversary of her passing. So not fun. Like for real. However, we have still lightened our load and this will make it far easier to go walkabout. This way we will be able to have the stuff we really wanted with us and not be over loaded. Granted there is a small mountain of books in boxes that will be living in the garage but such is the life of a couple of bibliophiles. We are working on trying to narrow our book list down but so it goes. Three weeks until we drive away from here and start the journey.

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